


201 Alston Boulevard
Suite C, #37
Hampstead, North Carolina 28443

Invoice Number INV-18-0022054
Invoice Date December 23, 2019
Due Date January 22, 2020
Total Due $0.00

This Invoice is for following SCC projects.

Qty Service PriceSub Total
1 Site Maintenance

9/26/19: Site Maintenance including Plugin and theme updates. Updated PHP to version 7.3 (5.6 not secure) on hosting site. Tested site pages - all passed.

1 Site Updates

9/26/19: Added Artemis Brand and Pedi-fit product. Made the Pedi-Fit a featured product.

1 Resp Conference Sell Sheet

11/13/19: Removed OE Meyer, updated copy, created new PDF file

Sub Total $600.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$600.00
Total Due $0.00