


201 Alston Boulevard
Suite C, #37
Hampstead, North Carolina 28443

Invoice Number INV-20-22062
Invoice Date January 28, 2020
Due Date February 4, 2020
Total Due $2,500.00
Zotynia & Son

147 Lodi Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Qty Service PriceSub Total
1 Website Development

Develop a responsive website with a Wordpress content management system (CMS).
Site Optimization: The site will be optimized for speed and user experience using a responsive platform for various veiwports (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop) building mobile first.
SEO: Site will be submitted to Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines with the appropriate tracking codes added to the site. All pages will be optimized for search engines utilizing tags, meta title/descriptions, targeted page keywords.

1 Yearly Maintenance and Hosting

Maintenance: Update Premium plugins and themes (maintain annual fees if applicable), SSL Certificate, Backups, Security checks.
Hosting: Hosted on a managed hosting platform.

Sub Total $2,500.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $2,500.00